Monday, July 15, 2013

Status 4/15/13

Hai all! Legends of the Flight will be updated soon, whoot! I'm here to apologize to the actual Gilberto and Mike. You guys helped make this possible by allowed characters to be based off of you. Now, with great regret, I must admit that the battle between the two in Legends of the Flight is not anywhere near a typical competitive battle on Pokemon Showdown! Pokemon Online, or over Wi-Fi. You two are both great at battling, so the two characters' way of battling is not meant to be a reflection on you.
Like the Pokemon anime, this battle is designed to have mistakes, bad move choices, etc.,  to make it more interesting, as well as easier for people who have never competitively  battled, and are therefore unfamiliar with terms like "Sweeper" or "EVs".
Wow, I really rambled, huh? This is Silv, signing out, and saying "Love you all, readers and other people!".

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