Heyo, it's after Valentine's Day, and here are some quick tips on how you can help be more green!
1. You know those flowers you got that person you spent Valentine's Day with? Compost them when they die. If you haven't bought cut flowers, how about potted ones? An avid gardener will love a bulb that can be planted outside later, and regrown year after year!
Houseplants make the home cleaner, unlike fake plants, which collect dust.
2. Those envelopes that the cards come in. Recycle them. If you aren't the type to save cards, recycle those, too. Please don't just throw them away if they are recyclable.
Oh, and recycle the empty box of chocolates, too, please.
3. This one can be applied to any day. Do you need to get something at a nearby store? Go for a walk with your sweetheart, or bike. Don't drive if you can walk or bicycle.
4. Next year, buy recycled paper cards, or make your own cards out of homemade recycled paper!
5. Show your love for the Earth by planting a tree with someone you know. Remember, any day can be Earth Day!
Hope you liked the earth-friendly tips, Go Green as well as red this year!
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